Hello, I'm Liv.
From a young age, I discovered the fascination for cars and a passion for creativity. Today, I enjoy telling stories through sports cars and classics, sharing them with fellow enthusiasts.


My full name is Livia. I’m a Swiss content creator and automotive photographer based in Zurich. On weekends, you can find me at car meets or driving through mountain passes; during the week, I’m working in a design studio.

My love for cars began when I was around 10 or 11 years old, memorizing the cars and badges I’d see on my way home from school. That curiosity grew into learning about different models, reading car magazines, and diving into the technical specs.

Today, I share my own automotive content on social media, capturing the cars I spot, photograph, or drive through the Swiss landscape.

My goal is to share my passion for cars with fellow enthusiasts and inspire the younger generation with the rich history of the automotive world.